Twenty Five Cultural Experiences by the Age of Twenty Five
The ‘25 by 25’ project aims to support and encourage young people aged 15 to 21 years old to increase their interaction with cultural activities and experiences.
The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the Key Action 2 Youth call. 25 by 25 started on 30th September 2020 and will run for 30 months until March 2023.
Project Objectives:
Increase accessibility to existing cultural heritage
Extend the involvement of excluded youths in cultural heritage initiatives
Instil a strong message of "25 by 25" amongst youths and youth workers
The project will develop a matrix of European cultural activities for youths to help them achieve the goal of learning and developing their skills and knowledge through 25 meaningful cultural experiences by the age of 25 years old. It will also develop a place-based cultural curriculum framework which will allow anyone to create a cultural learning module about their town or city.
The transnational dimension of the 25 by 25 project will be strengthened through the peer-learning and peer exchange element of the 25 by 25 Digital Platform. This will allow the beneficiaries to understand the different cultural manifestations of the wider European Union, through knowledge of the diverse range of shared European cultural heritage.
The project's target beneficiaries are young people between age 15-21, especially vulnerable, NEET (not in employment, education and training) and migrant youths. Wider stakeholders are youth organisations and youth workers.
Project Outputs:
Handbook on Best Practices in Cultural Activity Engagement
Matrix of Cultural Activities across Europe
The 25 by 25 Handbook for Youths
Framework for a Place-Based Curriculum
6 Place-Based Curriculums from each partners’ region:
Bradford, United Kingdom
Albacete, Spain
Athens, Greece
Budapest, Hungary
Sofia, Bulgaria
Palermo, Italy
The 25 by 25 Digital Platform, which will contain:
Repository for User created Place-Based Curriculums for Youth Workers
25 by 25 Skills Portfolio for Youths
Project overview (HU)

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: Strategic Partnerships in the field of youth
ID: 2020-1-UK01-KA205-078737
Project webpage:
Facebook page:
Instagram page:

Press releases

Project results
Best practices handbook on cultural activity engagement (EN)

Best practices handbook on cultural activity engagement (HU)

Matrix of cultural experiences across Europe (EN)

Matrix of cultural experiences across Europe (HU)

Framework for place-based cultural activity curriculum in Hungary (EN)

The Handbook of the 25by25 Digital Platform (EN)

25by25 Digital Platform
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