Empowering Youth Creativity through Art and Science
The ScArt project aims at harnessing the full potential of non-formal science education, culture and the arts, to equip diverse cross-generational learners between 15-30 years of age with a range of competences, among them creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and resilience, as well as digital competence, which will empower them to address current and future large-scale societal and environmental challenges traversing our European community.
This goal will be achieved through novel art-science virtual residencies, bringing together cohorts of learners and job seekers in direct collaboration with communities of practice in the arts, culture, science, and research, to create long-term creative partnerships as drivers for job creation, economic growth, improved social cohesion, as well as a means to experience, accept and engage European identity in all its diversity.
The project leverages
informal job-shadowing, with young people allowed to go throughout the complete unedited creative process of artists and scientists,
micro-mentoring by taking advantage of cross-generational mentoring as a powerful tool for inspiring youth with their transition from education to work and to better face uncertainties about their future, and
self-reflection, where young learners will plunge into the creation of individualized handmade booklets of varying size and format (zines) to reflect upon the STEM subjects as intertwined by their own personal experiences, value and identities, and the whole process of creative thinking.
Partners from Italy, Ireland, Greece and Hungary will explore the potential of new forms of cultural experiences and dissemination by enhancing the Science Gallery digital Rapid Residency model as pioneered by Trinity College Dublin - Science Gallery Dublin. They will challenge these well-grounded models and will undertake an experimental innovation process that will drill down to specific aspects of format and duration, interaction and collaboration modes and tools, content and strategies for audience development, finally enabling more collaborative and interactive creative art-science projects pursued in tandem with young beneficiaries.
The project will ultimately test and evaluate if and how COVID-19 may act as a catalyst and accelerator for a digital value-adding transition to a virtual incarnation of artistic residencies, and if this digital migration is successful in terms of social inclusion and sustainability.
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: Partnerships for creativity
ID: 2020-1-IT03-KA227-YOU-020589
Project webpage: https://www.scart4youth.eu/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ScArtProject
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/scarteu/
What is Virtual Art-Science Residency?
Read the infopack and the FAQ!
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