The vision of the project
Our vision is to build resilience in youth, especially youth with fewer opportunities in a state of vulnerability, through activities related to video production of short fiction films.
We aim to achieve that young people with fewer opportunities as final beneficiaries of the project acquire a very useful tool for the development of strong resilience that can protect and empower them facing challenges in their lives with the use of short fiction films which can be a very attractive tool for the development of positive self-image.
To develop and disseminate a methodology that will equip youth workers with knowledge about the process of short fiction film as a medium for working with young people.
To directly involve young people with fewer opportunities in the whole process of testing the methodology for the duration of the project.
To disseminate the positive effects of cross-sectoral cooperation and thus facilitate their contribution to fostering the development of young people's resilience to face the challenges of life.
Developing a methodology and thus tools and knowledge on how to organise workshops for young people with fewer opportunities in the field of short fiction film.
International mobility for young people with fewer opportunities on short fiction filmmaking, led by filmmakers and youth workers, to test the methodology developed. 18 participants will take part.
Development of an e-learning platform where youth workers will be provided with developed methods and practical tools for the use of short fiction film in youth work, based on our developed methodology.
Carrying out final dissemination events to disseminate the results of our project.
Staff mobility - Long-term Training Activity in Slovenia
Our collegaue's impressions about the Youthloop training activity:
"I am Anna from Hungary and I have taken part in the YouthLoop training in Trbovlje, Slovenia May 2023. During the evaluation, we could agree with all participants that these 5 days were an intense learning experience and an outstanding example of co-working and sharing best practices.
The concept of this Erasmus+ training course was to bring together professional film makers, who are also involved in the field of youth work, with youth workers inexperienced, but interested in the world of film. The main objective was to provide the youth workers with knowledge, so that they can give support to youngsters interested in film making by taking their first steps. Later on this activity may evolve into leading workshops or a club related to film making. The other goal of our 5-day engagement was to test the YouthLoop portal and give feedback, as to if it is a platform easily understandable and useful for people who have no previous experience with film.
Throughout the training it was amazing to see how the professionals can support the beginners, find the best methods to explain the process of filmmaking in a clear way and show their previous works with young people. I was especially impressed by how despite their age 14-15 year-olds can manage to put movies together, which are technically remarkable and highly expressive about difficult situations in life or social issues. It was very inspiring to see these pieces of work for the whole group, because it made it clear that an outstanding result is reachable in this field with the right approach and guidance.
One more thing that I found lovely was the friendliness of the other participants and Slovenians in general. They made us feel like home from the first moments, were flexible with the organization to adapt to our needs and wishes and eager to share their culture with us. Outside the working hours we managed to visit multiple beautiful nature sights in the area close to Trbovlje and to organize some outside workshops related to camera work and enjoy the nice weather. I found the training advantageous both from a professional and a personal point of view, as besides understanding a new method I also got to know a stunning country that I would like to visit again in the future!"
Youth mobility - Gombolyag, Hungary
Young, enthusiastic (future) filmmakers gathered at the end of July in Gombolyag, Hungary to develop their self-awareness and resilience through short film-making. Our participants had the chance to learn from the organisers of the Busho Film Festival and Slovenian professionals.
E-learning platform
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action type: Small-scale partnerships for youth
ID: 2022-1-HU01-KA210-YOU-000083484
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