A Mindful Journey with the Little Prince

This project is aimed at helping young people to have a better understanding and awareness of their personality and connect them with their inner world. The development of their self-knowledge has multiple benefits. Not only will their skills and attitudes develop, but also their awareness will improve about personal and community values, active citizenship, consciousness about the future and their role in active change. They will become more aware and active on a personal level, work on themselves to become who they want to be; set up their goals and achieve them. Moreover, it will have a huge benefit for their environment too, especially regarding the disadvantaged youth. By developing themselves, dealing with their mental health issues and taking steps to become independent and successful adults, at the end they will be healthy, active, useful members of society instead of using economic and healthcare systems and resources.

The project’s main activity is a youth exchange will be held in Hungary. The activity days are designed to be well-balanced with deep, thought-provoking activities, meditative exercises and also fun, youthful games. We host 6 participants and one group leader from each participating country.



Date: 4-11 June 2023

We are going to delegate an organiser, two trainers and 5 participants to the project.

Participating countries: Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania

Project ID: 2022-3-HU01-KA152-YOU-000098751

Grant: € 25 137