Building Resilience In Post-Covid Youth Work

The project aims to equipe youth workers, trainers and interested educators with resilience, to explore and practice new tools in stress management through meditation, connecting with nature and mindfulness. We aim to practice this tools for increasing the quality of their youth work after Coronavirus impact. 

The training is compatible with the goals of EU Youth Strategy 21-27: Mental Health and Well-being, promoting mental and health, sport, physical activity and healthy lifestyles.

 During the mobility event, participants created a Toolbox together with 25 youth workers from 8 partner organisations for empowering and inspiring young people to apply for resilience methods towards pandemic and to create positive change by creating source for youth workers in order to apply tools and methods on their target group.  


Date: 12-20 November, 2022

Participating countries: Belgium, Germany, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Turkey, Hungary.

We are entitled to delegate 3 youth workers for this project.

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