Comfort Zone

This project will equip the youth workers with skills and competences, to use emotional intelligence to come closer to young people, and help them feel motivated, inspired and empowered. We could not find a better way than non-formal educational methods that will offer young people the possibility to influence changes through critical thinking (the Loesje methodology), understanding and tolerance, mutual dialogue and by “using the buttons” to be active in their societies.

Through exploring topics as "tolerance", "hate speech", "discrimination", "radicalization", "inclusion", "social dialogue", through motivational concepts and theories, the program will equip the youth workers with knowledge about emotional intelligence in youth work, as well as creative and innovative tools and methods for intercultural and inter-religious dialogue and inclusion of vulnerable young people. 

This project has the following general objectives:

As a specific objective of this project we set:

Date: 25 September - 5 October, 2022

Participating countries:  Germany, Tunisia, Portugal, Spain, Egypt, North Macedonia, Latvia, Georgia, Albania, Ukraine, Hungary

We are entitled to delegate 2 youth workers to the project. The application has not been opened yet.

If you are interested to participate our projects, join our Facebook group!