Connecting Dots for Sustainable Growth Initative


Connecting Dots for Sustainable Growth Initiative aims to contribute to local,  regional, national and transnational rural economic development and sustainable  growth by stimulating latent entrepreneurial abilities among young people in Europe  by building capacity of youth organisations to establish appropriate support  mechanisms for young people in local level. 

The objectives of the projects are:  

- Develop and test an innovative Rural Youth Entrepreneurship Toolbox in order to  increase youth enterprise skills and business start rates in rural areas,  

- Increase capacity of the rural youth organisations and youth workers to establish  inclusive and appropriate support mechanisms for young people in local level to  create and sustain their businesses by using an innovative and creative online  methodologies, 

- Increase awareness of local communities on rural youth entrepreneurship through  awareness raising activities and online portal to facilitate the development and  sustainability of more vibrant indigenous businesses in EU. 


Training Course - Development of Rural Youth Entrepreneurship Toolbox, a mobility  of youth workers activity will take place between 15 - 24 October 2023 (including  travel dates) in Taboada, Lugo - Spain in order to develop and test an innovative  Rural Youth Entrepreneurship Toolbox to increase youth enterprise skills and  business start rates in rural areas. 


21 youth workers and 2 facilitators from 7 countries will be involved in the mobility  activity. 

Date:   15-24 October, 2023

Venue:  Taboada, Lugo, Spain

Participating countries:  Spain, Turkey, Romania, North-Macedonia, Italy, Portugal and Hungary.

For this project, we are entitled to delegate 3 youth workers.

If you are interested to participate other projects, join our Facebook group!