Digital Entrepreneurship

The main aim of this project is to create a global entrepreneurial mindset for the participants. We will equip youth workers and youth leaders with well needed digital entrepreneurial competencies, help them look for and recognize opportunities for professional development in the era of the Internet. We will identify and implement steps and techniques needed for setting up own business or develop professional skills needed to co-found and develop an online business. Main aim is especially up to date considering the COVID - 19 pandemic, during which a lot of brick-and-mortar businesses closed for good and work from home and online business are the norm, requiring more digital skills and knowledge. 

Date:   19-27 April, 2023

Venue: Sofia, Bulgaria

Participating countries:  Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Spain, North Macedonia, Italy and Romania.

We are entitled to delegate 3 youth workers.

If you are interested to participate our projects, join our Facebook group!