Getting Ready for the Future Practical Aspects of Employment

The main focus of the project is young people with fewer opportunities who have employability problems and face challenges of integration in their societies. 

The survey conducted in the frames of the project by partner organizations revealed that a big majority of young people coming from vulnerable groups have problems of getting employed and do not enjoy the privileges available to other groups of the society.

They do not possess the competence how to start and develop their career and most important, even how to successfully apply for a job. Most of these young people are not aware of possibilities that exist, including Erasmus plus program. 

Specific objectives of the project include:

 Identifying personal and professional needs of participants;  

Getting aware of skills and competencies for professional development;

 Planning and developing the career;

Date22 June, 2022- 01 July, 2022

Venue: Kutaisi, Georgia

Participating countries:  Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Gerogia, Hungary, Sweden, Turkey

We are entitled to delegate 4 participants between age 18-30  and one group leader (no age limit).

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