Green Yourself!

"Young people are key players in raising awareness, conducting educational programs, promoting sustainable lifestyles, conserving nature, supporting renewable energy, adopting environmentally friendly practices and implementing adaptation and mitigation projects." [UNFCCC]

Young people are usually more aware and ready to act but may feel disoriented and without practical guidance. Our project "Green-Yourself" aims to reduce this distance by increasing awareness and critical thinking on environmental issues, developing concrete actions to positively and daily impact the environment.

For this reason, this youth exchange program will be held with the desire to impact the participants is to increase their self-esteem and to achieve an awareness of the important role they can play in their local communities if they actively participate in collective life. A small gesture, such as recycling and reuse, can be transformed into something bigger!


Date1-7 October 2022

Participating countries: Italy, Spain, Greece, Austria, Hungary

We are entitled to delegate 5 young people and a group leader to this mobility.