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The purpose of the project is creating awareness about effect of the technology on the future generations. This project has been created in order participants to learn and share the consequences of misusage of technology. Is it a danger or a value? We will try to find answers of:

*What’s social media and gaming addiction?

*How much addicted we are?

*Is e-sport a sport?

*What’s future jobs which we cannot study at the school?

*New language emerging as technology develops.

*How we can think global and act local to aware more people.

We will also have meeting activities, ice breaking games before every activity , cultural nights  which will lead us to be aware about our culture and we will learn about European values. Our  project will be placed in the center of many civilizations, the city of many different cultures and religions, Hatay-Turkey.

Date:   27 September - 6 October, 2022

Venue: Hatay, Turkey

If you are interested to participate our projects, join our Facebook group!