Sport Against Violence in Europe

Every day we hear about children being beaten, abused or even killed, but there are many othercases of which nothing is known. Many acts of violence take place behind closed doors and remain unknown, some are not even considered violent and are socially tolerated. The phenomenon of physical violence, though very widespread, being often invisible.

Therefore, the project comes as a wake-up call in order to find viable and punctual solutions for the prevention of this toxic phenomenon, 60% of the population being tolerant of violent behaviors within families. The mobility, which will take place in Antalya-Turkey will have as participants, 36 experienced youth workers that previously had contact with victims of violence or have been exposed to it, ultimately being able to share examples of good practices.

Project objectives:

Date: TBD

Participating countries: Turkey, Romania, Italy, Spain, Latvia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Hungary

We are entitled to delegate 2 youth workers to the project. The application has not been opened yet.

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